Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Get ready

Well here I am, with my decision made now for 99.999%, heh, you never know what can happen right. Realism is important. Even if it's only 0.001%.
I can now start concentrating towards the big move. The day of departure will be somewhere around April 2015, somewhere in that month or maybe just before April. Adventure calls harder than ever now. 

I can't wait to get started really, with this new life but during the time that I'll still be here, my time will be well spent to settle everything and to save up the money I want to take on my journey.
At ease though, I have time. Things like work, extra work and going to the gym are things that I'll be doing constantly but there's other breaking things that will need my attention and they will be determining and the right step towards my new life. 

On my list and more or less in that order:

- 1 & 2 November 2014: 2 day course for my boat license
- 8/11: my birthday, 43 - finally. -sigh-
- 15/11: boat license exam
- 22 November: sailing for the practical part of the license
- putting my apartment up for rent
- selling my car
- working two jobs to get the money needed
- selling my furniture and other stuff
- choosing where I will do my DM and IDC (dive courses and instructor exams)
- arranging a party for my closest family and friends just a bit before I leave
- going to the gym to get in better shape (this already started again)

Hehe yes, it's all starting to roll in the right direction now, this weekend I will have 2 days of theoretical courses on Saturday and Sunday to learn how to sail a boat. I'll test my new knowledge on the exam that comes with it on the 15th November. After the exam, and on the 22nd I will have my practical test hours (6h total) to gain the experience needed in order to get the final license sent to me after completion of these practical courses. This boat license will come in handy when I'll be in my new line of business. 

It's a good thing that I am doing these courses now, this way afterwards I can fully concentrate on the other practical stuff before moving abroad, beginning around 2015. It will be a good hassle for sure.

Putting my apartment for rent shouldn't be too much of a problem, hopefully it will get rented fast. This will generate a nice extra monthly income even if there's only half of the morgue left over. In 8 years it will be mine and I can benefit the full amount.

Selling my car, hopefully I get a good price for it, we'll see. But this is the major cash right here so getting a good price for it is important as hell. 

As I was offered a job at my last diving club from my vacation in Malta, I will surely consider this as soon as I get my response mail concerning the whole idea. I guess feeling good somewhere is a good plus, even if it's not directly in a paradise-like location like CuraƧao or Thailand. Malta is good enough to get started, it's a quite fascinating island IMHO.

When following Facebook and having some of my instructors in my friends list, I get thrilled by the locations they all go to work at. I can't wait to be working in those same astonishing locations. Also I got told that languages are by far the most important thing in this business, which is totally me, I do speak 6 and will learn others while I'm abroad, I'm sure. Russian or Japanese are high on my list. One of these 2 could open even more doors. 

It's funny how a dive vacation can change your life just because you notice that you could perfectly function in this new life due to the life-experience you have accumulated over the years. I love to teach people the things I like to do, I can be patient, I am very social, interested, and I love diving, that much I 'm wanting to make it my job.
Even if this job will pay me less money than what I am used to. It's a choice really, it's not because of the money, not because of the diving, it's the whole concept all together that is attracting me so much.

Getting ready for the rest also means getting my head ready to leave, it will be a big step, for sure. Leaving my comfort zone, leaving my closest friends and family behind.  But when I think of the adventures that await me, it's all worth the decision. 

I'm not troubled by the idea of leaving my personal belongings behind, at all. 'Stuff' never meant much to me, and seen where I'm going and the life I want to lead, I can't carry it with me anyways. So yea, stuff don't mean much at this time. 

I'll be ready! 

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